
Amphoteric & Cationic

Amphoteric surfactants are unique because they carry both positive and negative charges in their molecular structure. This dual charge allows them to function as zwitterions, meaning they can act as either anionic or cationic surfactants depending on the pH of the solution. They are highly versatile and find applications in various industries, such as personal care, cosmetics, household cleaners, and industrial formulations. At Kaiser Industries Limited, we take pride in producing high-quality amphoteric surfactants that offer excellent foaming, detergency, and conditioning properties. Our amphoteric surfactants are derived from raw materials like betaines, amidopropyl betaines, and imidazolines, which enable us to tailor the hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties of the surfactants to suit specific applications. Our dedicated research and development team continually works to optimize the performance of our amphoteric surfactants and explore new uses in the ever-changing market landscape.

As a leading manufacturer of surfactants, Kaiser Industries Limited also specializes in producing cationic surfactants. Unlike other surfactants, cationic surfactants carry a positively charged head group, which makes them highly effective in conditioning, softening, and antistatic applications. These surfactants are widely used in hair care products, fabric softeners, and other personal care formulations. At Kaiser Industries Limited, we offer a wide range of cationic surfactants derived from quaternary ammonium compounds, which allow us to customize the surfactants’ properties to meet specific customer needs. Our cationic surfactants exhibit exceptional wetting and emulsifying properties, making them suitable for various industrial applications such as oilfield chemicals, textile processing, and agricultural formulations. With a strong focus on sustainability and responsible manufacturing practices, we ensure that our cationic surfactants are produced with minimal impact on the environment while maintaining the highest quality standards. Our commitment to research and innovation enables us to stay at the forefront of surfactant technology, providing our customers with reliable and high-performing solutions for their unique applications.